The schooling of the children of the villages of Senegal

2 backers

Project closed
25 euros on 4000
1% Complete

The récompensates for a humanitarian act is to see the smile and the résuccess of the person for whom it was donné his time, his effort or his money. These children need your générosité

1 project created

Project context

Purchase of matériel school for 2500 élèves of the 60 villages transformation of the box of the all small a écoles préschool, and élèestablished in the village of Gouye Dock strengthening of l'éequipment support the educational needs of children in the village of Gouye Dock  

About the project

The municipality of Keur Samba Kane 60 village 12 écoles is 2400 studen. Its population is trés poor. the teacher is often confrontés d'éstandards difficultes because most of the studens fail to have a notebook for éto describe it. some of the studen are forced to make kilomètres to go à l'école, the justification for the low enrolment rates of children in some villages. Aprés a meeting with the mayor, we have menés an awareness-raising campaign identityès village leaders and parents d'élèves on the importance of school for the future of the child. We éalso heard their problem of lack of means to pay the fees of scolarités, and school supplies. That is why we want to give them a change d'éstudy tools nénecessary Grâce à your solidarité, 2400 children in 60 villages in the Sénégal will à to go, stay and éstudy à l'école's carefree matériel school. the village of Gouye Dock that we want to support, is located in the town of Keur Samba Kane. It has neither water - à because of the drilling going on, nor éelectric isé or shool and or position of santé. This population suffers from a lack of everything, especially of the minimum vital, will be with your support and the opening, dès année next, the école, a checkbox, santé to allow children to go à l'école à the population having accès to the early care and déstartup of a program of dédevelopment.

Project Initiator

humanitarian Action in the Sénégal (AHS), is an association ceat in 2017 a Rufisque (Sénégal). it à for the purpose of the act to education et la santé of children. it is reached on the national level, but also the particularèparticularly in the areas of rural o&where; there is no more need. AHS also works withès children Talibés to please on their santé and élaborer for them programs of alphabétisation. AHS has many members, and bénéfly . since its création, AHS is trés active and à and made several réachievements. ( All our actions are on our page on facebook)  

Our needs

the invoice proformat of the plant is available

Social Impact

2500 persons helped


your gift is useful